Detailed Program of the Conference

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Scientific Program

Invited lectures, selected seminar contributions and posters will cover new developments in the study of nuclear phenomena: from low lying shell model states to collective excitations at extreme spins and temperatures, from light to superheavy nuclei, from exotic proton drip-line nuclei to very neutron rich nuclear systems. Latest ideas and advances in nuclear theory will be the topic of a comprehensive session. New experimental methods and apparatus developed and used at stable and radioactive ion beam facilities will be presented. We will discuss the role of today's nuclear structure research in the understanding of astrophysical processes and the origin of elements. A special session will be dedicated to the synergies between the nuclear physics studies are the fusion for energy program.

The scientific program of the Conference will be composed of topical sessions each of which will be led by a convener. Each session will include a few invited talks (duration of 20 to 30 minutes) and selected contributed seminars (duration of 15 minutes). Contributions for seminars and posters will be selected based on the submitted abstracts by a selection panel composed of the session conveners.

Topical sessions and Conveners

"Direct Reactions and Light Nuclei", Thomas Aumann (GSI Darmstadt)
"Nuclear DFT and ab-initio calculations", Jacek Dobaczewski (University of York / Warsaw University)
"New Instrumentation and Techniques", Muhsin Harakeh (KVI Groningen)
"Nuclear Fusion for Energy", Angel Ibarra (CIEMAT Madrid)
"Structure of Neutron-rich Nuclei", Robert Janssens (Argonne National Laboratory)
"Collective Excitations in Nuclei", Adam Maj (IFJ PAN Kraków)
"Astrophysics and the Origin of Elements" Gabriel Martinez-Pinedo (TU Darmstadt)
"Structure of Heavy and Super-heavy Nuclei", Dirk Rudolph (Lund University)
"Decay Studies of Exotic Nuclei", Krzysztof Rykaczewski (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)

Keynote lectures

The conference will open with two keynote talks presented by Achim Schwenk (TU Darmstadt) for Challenges in Nuclear Theory and Angela Bracco (INFN and University of Milan) for Experimental Nuclear Studies.

Invited speakers

Gurgen Adamian (JINR Dubna)
Nikolai Antonenko (JINR Dubna)
Carlo Barbieri (University of Surrey)
Andreas Bauswein (Heidelberg ITS)
Michael Bender (IPN Lyon)
Karim Bennaceur (IPN Lyon)
Angela Bracco (INFN and University of Milan)
Klaus Blaum (MPI Heidelberg)
Nathan Brewer (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
Franco Camera (INFN and University of Milan)
Lawrence Cardman (Jefferson Laboratory)
Gillis Carlsson (Lund University)
Steven Cowley (CCFE Culham)
Dany Davesne (IPN Lyon)
Olivier Dorvaux (IPHC Strasbourg)
Thomas Duguet (CEA Saclay / KU Leuven / MSU)
Tobias Fischer (University of Wrocław)
Zoltan Fodor (Wuppertal Univ. / Eötvös Univ.)
George Fuller (Univ. California San Diego)
Robert Grzywacz (University of Tennessee)
Nasser Kalantar (KVI Groningen)
Juan Knaster (Fusion for Energy)
Michał Kowal (NCBJ Warsaw)
Mustapha Laatiaoui (GSI / Helmholtz Inst. Mainz)
Kobus Lawrie (iThemba Labs)

Sean Liddick (Michigan State University)
Adam Maj (IFJ PAN Kraków)
Jacek Majewski (Warsaw University)
Tomislav Marketin (University of Zagreb)
Miguel Marques (LPC Caen)
Indranil Mazumdar (TIFR Mumbai)
Ivan Mukha (GSI Darmstadt)
Daniel Napoli (INFN Legnaro)
Yuri Oganessian (JINR Dubna)
Giacomo Poggi (INFN Florence)
Charles Rasco (ORNL/JINPA)
Hiroyoshi Sakurai (RIKEN Nishina Center)
Luis Sarmiento (Lund University)
Wojciech Satuła (Warsaw University)
Achim Schwenk (TU Darmstadt)
Nicholas Scielzo (Lawrence Livermore National Lab.)
Artemis Spyrou (Michigan State University)
Bartłomiej Szpak (IFJ PAN Kraków)
David Steppenbeck (RIKEN Nishina Center )
Atsushi Tamii (University of Osaka)
Piet Van Duppen (KU Leuven)
Enrico Vigezzi (INFN and University of Milan)
Ronald Wenninger (EUROfusion)
Andreas Zilges (University of Cologne)
Shaofei Zhu (Argonne National Laboratory)

Contributed seminars and posters

Participants are encouraged to present seminars and posters. Contributions will be selected based on the submitted abstracts by a selection panel composed of the session conveners. See Abstracts for more information.

Social events

The participants will be invited to a welcome reception on the first day of the meeting and a conference banquet will take place on Saturday, September 3, in the evening. We will also have a conference excursion and a barbeque evening at a Zakopane style regional inn. All participants are encouraged to take part in easy hikes in the Tatra Mountains National Park organized in the afternoons and led by certified mountain guides.